Customer Services Jobs
HS Advertising Concepts required a urgent talented and educated person for managing client services
0336 1476264
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Customer Services Jobs HS Advertising Concepts required a urgent talented and educated person for managing client services 0336 1476264 — Click here for more Jobs —
HS Advertising Concepts required a urgent talented and educated person for managing client services
0336 1476264
Mention when calling to get a good deal
Always meet in a safe public place
Verify all details before making any payment.
Please note hellopk is not involved in any sale or transaction.
The Delicacy Plaza, Phase 8, Bahria Town...
Rs30,000Siddiqe trade center M floor M52 gulberg...
Rs70,000Nasir Road, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan, 51031
siddique trade center M floor M75 office...