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Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865

  • Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865
  • Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865
  • Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865
  • Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865
Date : April 16, 2019
Location : Khanna Pul rawalpindi

Civil Architecture Diploma Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865)
Civil Architecture Diploma Course
Blending creative skills with unique technical know-how, architects build structures of various sizes and complexity. the architects we place must possess proficiency in a variety of disciplines and skills, including design, engineering and communications.Architecture build public or private structures.Focus on the aesthetic principles of design. In institute, you will take more art-related classes and fewer engineering- and science-related courses.Acquire the relevant certifications in the field of architecture.IPATS is affiliated with SDA, TTB, TTPC, SDC & PSSC Government of Islamabad.
Civil Architecture Diploma Course Contents:
1:Architecture and Environment
2:Engineering Surveying and Construction Technology
3:Mechanics of Structural Materials
4:Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
7:Internship & Experience

******For Registration & Information******
Whatsapp: +92 3219606785, 3035530865
Please Call: +923315145601, 03495021336
Website: Email: [email protected]
IPATS Government recognized Education Institue RawalpindiCourse In Islamabad
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS ) Head Office: 2nd Floor, Yasir Plaza, Near Chatri Chowk, Khanna Pull, Qadeer Road, Rawalpindi, Islamabad
Contact Office: 03219606785, 03035530865, 0331-5145601, 0349-5021336
Email: [email protected] Website:
Diploma in HVAC Engineering Course In Islamabad (Rawalpindi, 03035530865)
Diploma in HVAC Engineering Course
Gain advanced knowledge and skills with emerging technologies in this increasingly sophisticated area. Industries are demanding skilled and knowledgeable “HVAC” engineers and engineering associates in the area of building services and facility management.This is a comprehensive and practical course that focuses on real HVAC systems, which are major energy consumers. With newer technologies always being introduced to improve energy efficiency, there is an increasing need for highly skilled HVAC engineering associates to solve HVAC system design problems.While degree programs in HVAC engineering are rare, HVAC engineering courses are offered through some mechanical engineering diploma programs as well as through continuing education and certificate programs.03035530865 affiliated with SDA, TTB, TTPC, SDC & PSSC Government.
Diploma in HVAC Engineering Course Contents:
1:Organise and communicate information
2:Interact with computing technology
3:Perform engineering activities
4:Head Load calculation
5:Duct Sizing and layouts guidelines
6:Manage itself in the engineering environment
7:Select common engineering materials
8:Energy, Heat, Unit conversion
9:Vapor compression cycle
10:Ventilation system
11:Apply mathematical techniques in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment
12:Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

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