syed Ahatisham
0341 390 2083
Karimabad, Karachi
Rs 14,000
Bike on Easy installment Unique extreme plus
2 Year insurance registration include free gift electro laya quraandazi offer
Mention when calling to get a good deal
syed Ahatisham 0341 390 2083 Karimabad, Karachi Rs 14,000 Bike on Easy installment Unique extreme plus 2 Year insurance registration include free gift electro laya quraandazi offer
syed Ahatisham
0341 390 2083
Karimabad, Karachi
Rs 14,000
Bike on Easy installment Unique extreme plus
2 Year insurance registration include free gift electro laya quraandazi offer
Mention when calling to get a good deal
Always meet in a safe public place
Verify all details before making any payment.
Please note hellopk is not involved in any sale or transaction.
H.No.99-G3,B.No.2,Karim Park,Ravi Rd.