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Services Health - Beauty

Best orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan

  • Best orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan
Price : Rs8,000
Date : May 27, 2024
Location : National HospitalDHA, Lahore

Best orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan

The exceptional treatment that patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders and injuries get from Dr. Ali Raza Hashmi is the result of his extensive training and expertise in the field.

He has specialized training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide range of orthopedic diseases, including but not limited to fractures, arthritis, sports injuries, and joint difficulties. By using cutting-edge techniques and equipment, he ensures that his patients get the highest quality treatment.

Receive Top-Notch Medical Attention

We tailor our treatment plans to each individual patient since we know that no two people are the same. In order to provide a personalized treatment plan for each patient, Dr. Ali takes the time to listen to their concerns.


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