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AC technician Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi

  • AC technician Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi
Date : April 18, 2022
Location : Rawalpindi

AC technician Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi

AC technician Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi


The Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating* program teaches the skills required to diagnose, maintain, and repair residential air conditioning and commercial air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment. Students learn refrigeration through work with freezers, cold rooms, and ice machines. Federal environmental reclamation and recycling standards are taught. In the air conditioning and heating portion of the course, students are

taught current technology relating to central air conditioning and window units, heat pumps, gas and oil-fired furnaces, and related ductwork. Principles of alternative energy are taught through radiant heat.


Introduction to Safety in Air Conditioning,

Refrigeration, and Heating

Fundamentals of Mathematics for Air Conditioning,

Refrigeration, and Heating

Basic Tools for Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating

Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating Measurements

Electrical Theory and Applications

Heating Theory and Applications

Basic Compression Refrigeration

Tubing, Piping, and Soldering

Condensing Units

Air Conditioners

Heat Pumps

Domestic and Commercial Refrigerators

Recovery, Recycling, and Reclaiming

Industrial Refrigeration

Ductwork Application

Professional Development

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